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Topics - rj_6

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Spouse, Partner Loss / loss of wife
« on: May 14, 2016, 09:54:26 AM »
My wife of 41 years passed away on April 19 after being diagnosed with ALS in November 2014. The Dr listed cause of death as respiratory failure, due to ALS. She was a registered nurse who last worked at a non-profit that served adults and teens with developmental and physical disabilities. It is one of life's ironies that her last months living with ALS brought her to a physical state not that different from some of the clients she attended at her last job. From personal observation, ALS is a sonofabitch of a disease and western medicine is totally clueless about it. But I think that's probably the anger showing up in me.

So her death was not entirely unexpected but it did seem awful sudden when it happened.

I think the shock of it must be wearing off now, because I have started experiencing unexpected short bursts of sobbing. I want to write of things about this with someone who has some understanding of this experience - and this forum seems like it could be a good outlet for that. But I am new to posting to public forms such as this and still a bit uncomfortable with posting too much detail right off the bat. So I will just leave 1st msg to this.

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